Suggested Uses
- Place under areas with fall risk, such as a swing or monkey bars.
- Use as a soft surface for bodyweight activities such as somersaults or crawling.
Recommended Space
- When placed under areas with fall risk, there should be enough mats on the floor to cover the area's safety clearance. For example, if a swing's clearance radius is 4', there should be mats spanning 8' x 8' underneath the swing.
Product Sensory Profile
Each person has unique sensory needs to feel regulated and focused. Every product we offer is rated by our Occupational Therapist for the vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile senses. This mat is best for low-impact falls and crashes.

Product Specs
Dimensions96” L x 48” W x 2” H
ColorBlack or Multi-Color (blue, red, yellow)
MaterialCrosslink PE foam mat core encased in a high-quality 18 oz. vinyl covering