The SensoryRx™ Team

SensoryRx was founded by the same people who created PRx Performance, a company that revolutionized the fitness industry with space-saving folding squat racks and storage solutions. PRx has a history of creating innovative products that are high quality, focused on safety, and help individuals Fit Fitness into Life™.

SensoryRx carries on that passion to create sensory solutions and provide every individual the opportunity to Find Focus through Movement™.

  • Sales Representative Nathan Nowak

    Nathan | Sales Representative

    "The culture around our vision is one of a kind, just like our sensory solutions. It's not a job when you truly love what you do."

  • Brand Manager Katie Johnson

    Katie | Brand Manager

    "I want to give back to the community that has given so much to my son."

  • Design Engineer Johnny Erdmann

    Johnny | Design Engineer

    "I get to be creative, collaborate with a variety of people, and help people through innovative products that serve specific needs."

Our Partners

Our priority is creating meaningful and inclusive movement opportunities, so we've partnered with industry experts to help us serve our clients in the best way possible. Thank you to our partners for their valuable expertise and contribution to the growth of SensoryRx.

Kids on a SwRing

TNT Kids Fitness & Gymnastics

PRx Performance and TNT have a long-standing relationship, supporting each other's endeavor to help people get moving and reach their potential. TNT was a key contributor to the beginnings of SensoryRx and remains a product user tester and industry expert consultant.

North Dakota Autism Center Logo

North Dakota Autism Center

The North Dakota Autism Center, Inc. envisions a community where all individuals are included, valued, and have a sense of belonging. We couldn't agree more! NDAC connects us to the community where we can continue learning how to provide the best inclusive movement opportunities.

Kevin Anderson, PhD from the University of Mary

Kevin Anderson, PhD

SensoryRx is proud to work with Kevin Anderson, PhD as an OT Consultant. He has been an Occupational Therapist for 37 years, with experience in adult rehabilitation, school-based practice, and home-based therapy.

Casey Dravis from the University of Mary

Casey Dravis, OTS

Casey is a recent graduate from the University of Mary in North Dakota as an Occupational Therapist. SensoryRx has partnered with Casey to develop and continue growing the sensory-focused portion of ClimbRx programming.